We offer trans­la­ti­on of specia­list texts and adver­ti­sing texts, as well as certi­fied transla­tions, in German, French and Spanish.


We offer trans­la­ti­on of specia­list texts and adver­ti­sing texts in German, French and Spanish and proof-reading and edit­ing of German texts.

Our transla­tions are bespo­ke to meet target group-speci­fic needs in terms of style and other features, while also taking account of cultu­ral aspects. We consi­der the use of appro­pria­te termi­no­lo­gy a top prio­ri­ty and rese­arch it exten­si­ve­ly to uphold our high stan­dards. Dual control rounds off our quali­ty assurance.

As sworn trans­la­tors of docu­ments in English, French and Spanish at the Ulm Regio­nal Court, we offer certi­fied transla­tions of all kinds of documents.

We can arran­ge graphic proces­sing of transla­tions by quali­fied graphic desi­gners upon request.

We are members of the German Federal Associa­tion of Inter­pre­ters and Trans­la­tors (BDÜ). Members­hip in the BDÜ is regar­ded as a seal of quali­ty, since proof of profes­sio­nal quali­fi­ca­ti­on for the trans­la­ti­on profes­si­on must be provi­ded by means of a degree or an offi­cial­ly reco­gnis­ed examination.