Meet the team

Katrin Voß-Lubert

Diplom-Über­set­ze­rin (Gradua­te Degree in Trans­la­ti­on) for French and Spanish,
Sworn trans­la­tor for the French language,
Member of the BDÜ (German Fede­ral Associa­tion of Inter­pre­ters and Translators)

Trans­la­ti­on in the follo­wing fields of expertise:
Human and dental medi­cine, medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy, tech­no­lo­gy and indus­try, law, economy

Anke Zeppe­n­feld

Diplom-Über­set­ze­rin (Gradua­te Degree in Trans­la­ti­on) for English and Spanish,
Sworn trans­la­tor for English and Spanish,
Member of the BDÜ (German Fede­ral Associa­tion of Inter­pre­ters and Translators)

Trans­la­ti­on in the follo­wing fields of expertise:
Law, econo­mics, higher educa­ti­on, public rela­tions, docu­men­ta­ry movies